Source: press release Energica | Latvia’s power network distributor and other government institutions have plans to develop more than two thousand public electric vehicle charging stations around the country. Funds from the European Union Recovery Fund have been allocated for the development of the necessary infrastructure; a projected five million euros will be earmarked for the project. Once complete, Latvia will boast 2060 connection points for public recharging services for electric vehicles.

The new importer is located in Sigulda, Latvia, a country on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Estonia.
<< Electricity powered motorcycles are a new product for the Latvian market, and we are delighted to have the opportunity to offer the best electric motorcycle in the market. – said Edijs Rudzis, CEO Rock Distribution – At this moment there are more than 141 fast charging stations available for the public, and the infrastructure for electric vehicles is developing rapidly in the whole country. The coverage of charging stations gives the opportunity of everyday use of electric transport.>>

Based on current information, the Electric Vehicles market is predicted to generate 40.02 million Euros by 2023, growing at a compound annual rate of 18.57% between 2023-2027 to reach 79.10 million Euros by 2027. The Electric Vehicles market unit sales are expected to reach 1650 vehicles in 2027 and the volume weighted average price of the Electric Vehicles market in 2023 is expected to amount to €50.12K.

<< We are so glad to introduce Rock Distribution like our importer. This agreement was signed to had the opportunity to approach the Latvian market, through which we expect a great increase of our brand awareness in the region – said Giacomo Leone, Energica Sales ROW Director. – We are convinced that the best conditions exist for a significant increase in e-mobility, especially in this area. This agreement strengthens our commercial strategies aimed at increasing the presence of Energica dealers throughout Europe >>