Sunday, September 17, 2023 will mark the day when Antwerp makes the “Shift”. On this particularly day, cars will make room for cyclists, pedestrians, and other smart transportation modes such as electric mopeds and even electric motorbikes. Long live King Auto no more — come to NIU Antwerpen to experience the new sustainable mobility! Everyone is getting around but not in the same way. During Antwerpen Shift, NIU Antwerpen offers interesting mobility solutions tailored to everyone’s needs.

NIU’s Client Event
The team at NIU Antwerpen will also be treating their current customers to a special event. Make sure you come by for a drink and a chat!
Test rides
From 11 AM to 4 PM, you can take a test ride of about 15 minutes through Antwerp. That way, you can see how smoothly an electric moped moves. Following models are available:
- NQi Sport
- NQi Cargo
- NQi GTs 45 (NQi Pro)
- KQi3
- MQi+ Sport

Free breakdown assistance
Orders placed on September 17th will be given free VAB breakdown assistance from NIU Antwerpen for one year. If you ever have a flat tire or any other form of trouble while on the move, you can always count on NIU’s help.

Practical information
During Antwerp Shift, the city center will be closed off to cars from 10 AM to 6 PM with the exception of the Amsterdamstraat-Londenstraat corridor, as well as the Leien-Scheldestraat and Kronenburgstraat-Kasteelpleinstraat areas. The Scheldekaaien are mostly car-free as well. This means that during these hours, no cars will be allowed into the city center. You may exit the area but it won’t be possible to return until after 6 PM.