Press Release – September 2019 – OSET Bikes, the world’s leading manufacturer of youth electric off-road motorbikes, is calling for kids (and parents) to ditch games consoles in favour of two wheels.
There have been over 7.5 million Xbox One and PS4 Consoles sold in the UK. In 2020, total UK games revenue is expected to reach £5.5bn, taking over book sales at £4.9bn. And with e-sports the second fastest growing sector in entertainment and media, experiencing increases of 21% last year, it is on course to reach revenues of £48m by 2022.

Ian Smith, founder and CEO of OSET Bikes, said: “Kids down time has to be about balance. We see news reports weekly about the obesity crisis, and especially in kids. While reducing sugar intake is critical, it needs to go hand in hand with getting kids more active.
“Instead of experiencing sport through a screen we would encourage kids and parents to get out there and give something different a go! The sport of trials riding is not an obvious option for many parents, but it’s a fantastic sport that will offer children an active hobby for life. We know people the still enjoy riding into their 70s and beyond.”

Trials riding is the art of riding over, through and round obstacles on a motorbike or pedal bike without putting your feet down. Obstacles include things like rocks, tree roots and streams. Events are held outside and run by motorcycle clubs across the UK, that are governed by several authoritative bodies including the ACU and MCF.
Ian continued: “We would encourage parents to check out OSET Cups which are all electric, non-intimidating events and a great way to get kids into the sport. Or if you’re a bit more adventurous take a look at your local trials club, and see when their next youth event is taking place to go along and have a chat and see what it’s all about.
“Trials is about control, balance and technique. It’s not about going fast. Surprising to many is that it’s a sport you can practice in your back garden! OSET bikes are electric, which means they’re virtually silent, so you won’t annoy the neighbours! Many people make space in the garden for a few pallets and rocks to ride over!
Nuffield Trust reports that a quarter of kids age 2 – 10 are obese. Getting active by finding an activity that will compete with a console and engage kids is essential.
Ian finished: “If you can ride a balance bike you can ride an OSET. Our bikes are aimed specifically at this age range where we deliver safety and fun as our priorities. Parents can turn the power, speed and response down to a slow walking pace, and simply turn these up as little ones get more proficient. And when it comes to fun, we have events all over the country where you can come and ride for around £15 for up to four hours.”
What will the man in red deliver down your chimney this year? A console or an electric motorbike?