TORP Motors is a start-up company from Croatia and specialized in the development of innovative solutions for power-train of light electric vehicles, primarily electric dirt-bikes.

Since the owners of the company (Teo Žikić and Damir Šarčević) are avid EV fans and extreme-sports-enthusiasts, they both decided to develop an electric dirt-bike, that will suit all their needs: it had to be light, fast, enduring and smart. The new TORP bike had been in development for the past four years, starting from the battery, BMS, Controller, up to the light and sleek frame. The end result is a mix between an electric bicycle and dirt-bike, that can perform tricks that could not be done with a motorcycle, and is also sturdy enough for enduro races on rough terrain.
You can also read an extensive interview with the 2 founders of TORP Motors at Electric Motorcycles News, TEO ŽIKIĆ and DAMIR ŠARČEVIĆ

Source: Press release | The story of TORP company begins on the race-tracks in Croatia, where two adrenaline-junkies were looking for a way to beat the competition. Teo Žikić was into bike-tricks and Damir Šarčević loved the speed. Together they decided to create something that could be enjoyed by both of them: a bike that is light enough for amazing stunts and fast and enduring enough for racing. Since they are both into new technologies, their product had to be powered by electricity.

The bike had been created from “inside-out”, putting a special emphasis on the powertrain. TORP team developed custom BMS and Controller. TORP BMS is not only monitoring the state of charge and state of discharge of each battery cell but is actually functioning as a small brain of the e-bike. It informs the user about the state of the battery and its range through the mobile and PC app and built-in LCD, as well as giving them smart tips and tricks on how to prolong the life-span of the battery.

In combination with TORP Controller, the BMS makes sure your ride will be as smooth as possible, signaling the Controller to gradually decrease the power in the motor in case of any trouble with the battery. Through the App you will also be able to update the software, track your progress, reach set goals and share your data with four friends. The next step was to create a battery, that is powerful, light and enduring. They succeeded: Custom made battery for TORP Bike packs 1,8 kWh of pure power in less than 8 kg. Translated in the range: this means 2,5 h of wild tricks and rides on the rough terrain. If this is not enough, the battery can be easily removed and replaced which doubles the fun on the tracks. The drained battery can be toped-up at any electric outlet, recharging to 80% in just 30 minutes. Just enough to grab a cup of coffee between the rides!

- 15 kW peak power
- 29 kg with the low center of gravity
- 2,5 h normal driving range
- 1,5 h hard off-road driving range
- 1,8 kWh removable battery
- fully configurable regenerative braking
- mobile and PC App that monitors your progress, gives you tips for prolonging battery-life and keeps you up-to-date with the latest software improvements
- built-in 2.6 “IPS LCD display
When the powertrain was perfected, the real fun began. TORP team invited an award-winning designer Serđo Miletić, to help them bring their vision to life. He envisioned a light, aluminum frame, that is sleek looking and sturdy at the same time. After two years of development, TORP Bike is finally here. It is a smart mix between an electric bicycle and a dirt-bike. It has no paddles, so you rely only on the battery-powered motor, that can reach its peak power of 15 kW in a second.

TORP Bike weights only 29 kg, which makes it limber, fast and enduring. Since it`s incredible torque, TORP team decided to install three power-modes, that will gradually unlock as you progress, looking after your safety, as well as tracking your skill through the distance you cross with the bike. TORP Bike is not a bike for the everyday commute, but it is loads of fun in nature, climbing, jumping and racing through the rough terrain. Due to its lightness, skilled riders will be able to perform the tricks, that have not been performed by a motorcycle until now.

And what about the sound?
Enduro riders are quick to complain about the silence of the e-bikes, making them harder to control on the tracks, due to the lack of the sound-input. Fear not, TORP Bike is not completely soundless, giving the rider just enough signals when their bike loses grip, or letting hikers in the woods know that something is coming their way. At the same time, TORP Bike is still quiet enough for indoor training or for racing the track near the urban area.
TORP Bike is a versatile electric bike that will be perfect for everyone who does not believe in limitations, not by battery range, nor by the weight of their bike. TORP engineers took the best out of both, electric bicycles and motorcycles, mixing them in a perfect blend of amazingness!

Damir and Teo, TORP Company’s CEO’s decided to launch a limited edition, with a starting price of 7000 EUR and are collecting pre-orders for it through their website, where you can get more info on the bike and other products that the company offers.
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