Source: Voltz Motors | Voltz launched its first physical store, located at Avenue Engenheiro Domingos Ferreira, 2379 – Pina, Recife – Pernambuco (state of northeastern Brazil). The purpose of opening this establishment is to develop products to unlock traffic in the main urban centers of the country. The choice of the first city was due to the traffic indices of the Pernambuco capital. According to the Traffic Index, Recife is the city with the worst traffic in Brazil and the 10th worst in the world.

In addition, there are other major cities where there is constant traffic obstruction in Brazil and among them are: São Paulo, Salvador, Fortaleza and Rio de Janeiro. These points are the next centers for showroom expansion, says the Voltz team.

The layout of the company’s showroom is based on the concept of a “third place”, where the customer has a space for their total comfort and convenience. This concept establishes that consumers have a third place besides their home and work area. The venue will feature exhibition stands for electric scooters, accessories store, workshop, and other stations for public use – coffeeshop, lecture hall, coworking and the like.

Imagine a mechanical workshop without dirt? This is the experience Voltz wants to convey about the maintenance of its scooters. The mechanical workshop operates in an entirely “Clean” environment – the infrastructure and employees are far from any traditional image where these establishments are usually covered with lubricants, gasoline, greases and so many other automotive products. This is because the brand motorcycle do not use such compounds for their operation.

Another new feature of the brand, the “Minha Voltz” app makes available to the EV1 driver, the first Voltz scooter, personalized service and assistance with motorcycle maintenance. Through this platform, there is the possibility to search for electrical charging points called “Ecofriendly” and in case of emergency, the user can request the replacement of battery, among other features. To check the app, it is now available on Google Play and App Store.

EV1 – the 1st Voltz scooter
The transportation sector is the one that most impacts our air quality, being responsible for the largest CO2 emission on the planet. These polluting gases are harmful to both environmental and human health. Therefore, the introduction of clean energy in mobility, especially in urban centers, is crucial. Being an electric motor vehicle, Voltz offers evolution on two wheels. The EV1 is a unique experience of the future. At the forefront of a worldwide movement that seeks to make mobility easier with less impact on the environment.