Wednesday June 8th 2022
Rain, rain, rain, … not the ideal weather to get started.
1st day: 550 km

Loading to 80% was set at 60%. Program started at 67% so you can see how long it takes with this engine. Ah meanwhile at 79% … on my way to Couvin to meet Bjorn (he comes directly from Bilzen) and Daniel and Tony have just left Leuven.

Problems with charging and charging cables but everything got solved.

I have to stretch my legs …

Free charging … thank you Toyota!

In France, the belt from Daniel’s SR/S got damaged and had to be replaced immediately.

Everything back to normal !!

Charging … oops, my station is broken and can only charge on 230V, the onboard charger. But if there is a free charging station … then we’ll use it anyway. Still 168 km to the hotel … already 381 km on the counter. We had different types of rain, very hard rain, cloudy, and now a dash of sun. But where we’re going is back …rain!

Charging … and to the hotel !!