On a friday afternoon, surfing on the net … Pablo Baranoff Dorn showed up in my LinkedIn feed with a link to his Behance portfolio. Pablo published his WAYRA Electric Bicycle concept. I don’t think he will blame us if we publish his designs here at EMN. I even have a quote of him.
Pablo: “Following the market ecology changes, batteries capacities, and allowed distances on electric energy, there were a lot of f actors I wanted to think and combine on an idea that is bold, aggressive, unique.”

“WAYRA from the Quechua “The Wind”, brings the fresh idea of a concept I worked on during the past year. I love Trackers, Scramblers, Cafe Racers, Cross, so this project is the first of more to come. Getting the basics of the bike, simple structures, cool equipment, cool design combining many aspects from those styles and being risky”, says Pablo.
EMN: We love it, this must go in production !!

More info and other work from Pablo: https://www.behance.net/pbdSTUDIODESIGN