Energy cooperative Endura and EV Coöperatie are organizing a unique electric-driving-day on Saturday 14 May (10 am-4 pm) in the Zonnepark in Harderwijk (the Netherlands). On that day you can – without obligations – take test drives with electric cars, electric bicycles, cargo bikes, scooters and the electric motorbikes from Electric Motorbikes. Gert-Jan Rongen’s team will be present with, among others, the new Alrendo TS Bravo, the Swedish retro ‘hi-tech’ RGNT Scrambler and the ovaobike MCR-M, the first appearance from this new brand in the Netherlands, actually in the entire Benelux. Electric Motorbikes will soon be launching the 3 models of the ovaobike MCR-Series. The friendly colleagues from BREKR will also be present with their design “moped”.

This day is organized by Energy Cooperative Endura U.A. and by the EV Coöperatie U.A. Both organizations want to inform people properly and honestly about all aspects of future-oriented mobility. Interest in electric driving is increasing rapidly, partly due to the high fuel prices. There is also a great need for knowledge. It is therefore ideal that you can see and drive many electric vehicles (both electric 2- and 4-wheelers) on Saturday 14 May on the Vuurtorenweg in Harderwijk or P8 along the N302, and receive answers to all questions. The EV Test Day will be held at the brand new and very spacious Zonnepark Harderwijk, also an Endura initiative.

About Electric Motorbikes
Since 2013, Electric Motorbikes has been active in the sale of electric motorbikes. And that for both the business and the private market. Electric Motorbikes is an official dealer of Zero Motorcycles and NIU scooters and steps. Entrepreneur Gert-Jan Rongen is also an importer for the Benelux of, among others, Alrendo Motorcycles, Pursang Motorcycles and RGNT Motorcycles (only for the Netherlands and Luxembourg). And recently there is also a partnership with the new Taiwanese brand ovaobike and the Dutch BREKR “moped”.

Gert-Jan Rongen: “Our presence on the Automotive Campus has been very consciously chosen. From our E-center, training, experience, test rides, knowledge and presentation come together. It should really become a meeting place for enthusiasts, motorcyclists, technicians, producers and governments. From this location we can easily look up the cooperation. In addition, the Automotive Campus is a place that is literally and figuratively on the map, both nationally and internationally. Collaboration is almost self-evident here.”