Source: website Sur-Ron Center | Sur-Ron Center in Belgium (the new E-division from Endurofun) is one of the most active Sur-Ron dealers in The Benelux. Their vision “First testing, then buying” is a success formula that has already convinced many off-road riders to buy this light weight but powerful Sur-Ron.

Sur-Ron Cross Cup 2022
After a few successful tests in 2021 with their Sur-Ron friends and clients, Sur-Ron Center is launching the new Sur-Ron Cross Cup 2022 in Belgium in cooperation with the Vlaamse MotoCross Federatie. The team is still busy talking to the Federation to cooperate with other motorcross terrains in Belgium in the future for trainings during the week. As you know this branch of motorsport is strongly criticised for noise and pollution, some sites are threatened with closure. This could be a solution to keep this motorsport.

There will be 8+1 Official Competitions on different race tracks – open to any Sur-Ron rider. On Saturdays, the organisation will start these competitions organised by the VMCF (Vlaamse Motocross Federatie) with a specified serie with only Sur Ron’s. With minimum 20 and maximum 43 riders we make a special category that is driven with a transponder. Within this category there will be 2 classifications, standard Sur Ron’s with max 3000W & boosted Sur-Ron’s with a modified controller.

For your agenda:
- 15/04 Rummen (to be confirmed)
- 04/06 Moresnet
- 25/06 Paal
- 02/07 Genk or Koningshooikt
- 06/08 Warsage
- 14/08 Attenhoven
- 27/08 Huldenberg
- 03/09 Kersbeek
- 24/09 Wambeek
Daily schedule:
- Free training
- 2 cross series of 12 min + 1 round (with the option to charge in between).
How does it work:
- Register in advance for the competition + day license via the Endurofun website
- PLease show up at the match venue
- Pay entrance to the terrain owner
- Pick up the transponder and register at the VMCF booth
- Free training
- 2 x competition

Which costs are involved?
- Competition registration + day license € 25,- to be paid upon registration* (Endurofun website)
- Entrance € 14,- to be paid to the organiser on the location
- Bring € 30,- cash for the transponder where you recover € 10,- upon return.
* An annual permit costs € 180,-. For those who want to ride all races, this is cheaper, also for these riders who want to participate on Sundays between the pit bikes & 125 cc motorcycles that is an option. You can apply for an annual permit here. If you choose for an annual permit, you do not have to register via the Endurofun website.
Not a Sur Ron owner and you would like to have some fun?
You can join too. Sur-Ron Center offers you the possibility to rent a Sur-Ron: € 125 per match – 3000W X
More info: +32 494 15 11 50
More updated info and reservations at the Sur-Ron Center website:
All pictures copyright © Sur-Ron Center 2022