2020 has pushed us into a new digital age where the online presence will permanently belong to our normal daily life.
THE PACK “Electric Motorcycles News” has the ambition to become a new communication channel in the future for the LEV (Light Electric Vehicles) industry. Together with the website and their social media accounts, THE PACK reaches a lot of interested people every month. THE PACK is still quite young in this new industry (the first blog post is from March 2017) but the worldwide community is growing daily thanks to Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and website.
New in February 2021: launch online B2B platform for LEV-companies
Guy Salens: “I have noticed that a large part of our followers are also professionals from the LEV industry. That’s why I want to add this extra information feature with a focus on industry news.” LEV-companies can present their products in a new extra B2B blog at THE PACK’s website. So, if you are a supplier in the LEV market, THE PACK “Pro” can be your new online communication and sales tool. I am thinking at the following categories:
- Rapid prototyping
- Automotive design companies
- Battery components
- Electric motors
- Controllers
- Charging infrastructures
- Charging solutions
- After market products
About THE PACK “Electric Motorcycles News”
THE PACK “Electric Motorcycles News” is one of the few global websites with unique information about electric motorbikes and scooters. Guy: “I believe that THE PACK can play an active role in sales & marketing departments from electric motorcycle & scooter manufacturers. It’s a new communication channel with their target audience. Manufacturers can integrate THE PACK in their global ONLINE communication and promotion strategy.