I am connected with Bronko Bikes on Instagram and he asked me if we could place his video on EMN. Friendly as we are, from time to time we listen to our followers, it’s all for a good cause. So, no electric motorcycles this time but a little story about Bryan Martin who’s involved in electric bikes.
Bryan Martin: “Bronko Bikes is an electric bike start up based in San Antonio TX. The dream of creating a company was born one May afternoon in 2012 the I took my first ride on the Alpha-prototype in South Austin TX. I decided to ride to my favourite record shop End of an Ear on South 1st. While shopping, I charged at the Soldesignlab Solar Pump and it dawned on me that this is the future of personal transportation.
At Bronko Bikes we are about getting quality electric bike kits into the hands of the average cyclist so they can (with a little elbow grease) turn their own bike (which they know & love) into a green commuter. Bronko Bikes is San Antonio and Central Texas’s premier electric bike kit supplier. We also provide quality E-bike Conversions. Electric Mobility is within your grasp now grab the reigns.”
Siclovia 2018
Siclovia is a free, bi-annual event, organized by the YMCA of Greater San Antonio, that turns city streets into a safe place for exercise and play. The family-friendly event encourages residents and visitors to get out, get active and explore their city through car-free streets. The Y accomplishes this by activating parks, bringing exposure to local businesses and inviting community organizations. Participants can enjoy walking, biking, exercise classes, activities for youth, treats for their pets, food trucks and more.
Next Siclovia: September 30, 2018.

Image Facebook Siclovia
More info about Bronko Bikes: https://bronkobikes.com/