For the first time in history an electric powered motorcycle will face the worst Scottish difficulties. With this challenging action, Electric Motion with riders Matthew Alpe (UK importer) & current e-trial world champion, Gaël Chatagno want to confirm the huge potential of their electric motorcycle.
Electric Motion’s distributor Matthew Alpe, from Inch Perfect Trials, a motortrial specialist and great follower of the Scottish contest says: “I have previous competed in the Scottish Six Days Trial 7 times on a conventional trials bike and always enjoyed the event. Today, it is a privilege and a honour to be part of EM team, not to mention possibly the most exciting and challenging SSDT for me and the EM brand.”

Electric Motion: “No doubt that our two representatives will be observed in the difficulties of the event. We have the same conditions as traditional motorcycles and the same strict regulations in terms of supplies. Our sporting objective is certainly important, but, first and foremost, our objective is to prove that our silent electric motorcycles will get some attention in the global motortrial scene.”
The event held in the highlands and centred around Fort William is the ultimate test of man and machine with daily routes covering over 100 mile of some of the most inhospitable and rugged terrain. Add to the mix the unpredictable weather making this the ultimate challenge for the EM Epure Race.

Gaël says “I think the Scottish will be very exciting for me and all the EM team because we’re doing something that has never happened before. The Epure Race feels very good in the streams and I am ready to push myself in such hard conditions. Can’t wait to be there!”
When is the Scottish Six Days Trial?
The 2021 SSDT was been cancelled due to the ongoing pandemic. The 2022 SSDT will take place from Monday 2nd May to Saturday 7th May 2022.
Source: website SSDT | The Scottish Six Days Trial itself always runs from Monday to Saturday, starting on the first Monday in May, which is always the May Day Bank Holiday in the UK. If you know the date of the May Bank Holiday then you know when the SSDT is! However there’s loads more to see and do before that. The Trials action kicks off in Lochaber on the Friday before the SSDT with the two-day Pre ’65 trial taking place, based in the small town of Kinlochleven near to Fort William. Then there is the buzz of the SSDT paddock on Sunday with the annual “weigh-in” of the competitor’s bikes before the traditional parade of riders down Fort William High Street in the afternoon. If you want to get away from Trials for a while or you have family with other interests, there are all sorts of other things to do and see in the area!