The Electric Dutchman is a modular Dutch Design e-moped. Designed according to b2b standards. That means high quality and low maintenance. The indestructible moped is made to fit any business. It’s sustainable, brandable and durable. Besides that it’s assembled by differently-abled employees in order to have an optimal impact on the society.
Electric Dutchman: “Our mission is to contribute to an eco-friendly society. We see a world where we respect nature with cities where we can live and breath clean air. Where pollution such as carbon dioxide is no longer a problem. We contribute by creating high quality and ethically correct mobility solutions. The Electric Dutchman is a great start. Working with a sustainable mindset is in our DNA. We create Dutch-designed products with a social impact. We know the Electric Dutchman can make an impact and change lives. But in order to do so, we need your help.