By October 2023, THE PACK had reported on Roman Nedielka’s world tour, which he was undertaking solo. At the time, he had completed 60% of his journey. After months of traveling around the globe, he finally made his way back to Jakarta and was able to host the E.round the World press conference!
Roman Nedielka has pushed the boundaries of electric motorcycle technology. He embarked on a revolutionary solo journey around the world, riding an electric motorcycle without any support vehicles or team – the first person ever to do so.

With his solo journey, Roman is challenging the conventional ideas about electric mobility and paving the way for a new era in transportation. His goal is to show that these eco-friendly machines can surpass expectations and inspire a wave of electric motorcycle enthusiasts worldwide. Through his fearless determination, Roman hopes to spark a global revolution on two wheels (and so do we).

Roman Nedielka: “I am very happy to see the growing awareness and recognition for the E.round the World project. I hope E.round the World will continue to gain recognition, making more people aware of the benefits of using electric motorcycles and encouraging greater adoption of e-motorcycles.”
Check out Roman’s videos here at You Tube:
Who is Roman Nedielka?
Roman: “I’ve always had an adventurous spirit and a fascination with new technology. So when I heard about electric cars, I was eager to try them out. But my curiosity didn’t stop there; I wanted to know if electric motorcycles were also available on the market. Despite not seeing any in Indonesia in 2018, I stumbled upon ZERO, a company in the US that produces electric motorcycles. Unfortunately, their nearest dealer was in Thailand and it seemed impossible to get one into Indonesia.”

“One night, while having dinner with my girlfriend, I showed her a picture of the electric Zero FX motorbike from the US website and explained how cool it was but not available in our country. To my surprise, she told me that her company actually had similar bikes in their garage. I laughed at the idea, thinking they may have some regular black bikes, but she insisted on calling her colleague to confirm. And she was right! The event organizing company she worked for had brought over several Zero motorcycles for an event and decided to sell them locally at a discounted price rather than ship them back to the US. It was a stroke of luck for me as I was able to acquire a brand new 2015 Zero FX model in Jakarta.”

“Switching to an electric motorcycle has been a game-changer for me. The frustration of being stuck in traffic has been replaced with the thrill and agility of zipping between cars on Indonesia’s pothole-ridden roads. Of course, this meant I had to get a driving license for the bike, using a traditional combustion engine bike for my lessons and exam. And that’s when I truly realized the superiority of electric motorcycles. The constant noise, gear changes, and vibrations that old-school bikers enjoy were just reminders of how outdated those features are compared to the smooth ride of electric power.”

“As I continued riding my electric motorcycle over the next two years, I also noticed that people have many misconceptions about their ease of use, maintenance, and charging. Some still believe there aren’t enough charging stations available, despite the fact that electric bikes can be charged at any regular power outlet at home, work, or even restaurants. As someone who takes action rather than just talking, I began thinking about how to dispel these false beliefs about charging complexities and the maturity of electric technology.”

“Around 2019, I conceived the idea of riding an electric motorcycle across the globe. With my personal experience and confidence, I believed it was achievable. This practical demonstration would showcase the maturity of electric motorcycles. While researching, I found only one other similar project, but it used a prototype motorcycle and had a team providing constant support. It became evident that I needed to complete this journey solo in order to prove the ease of use and reliability of electric motorcycles.”

“In my role as a consultant, I employed a highly organized approach to the project by focusing on three main aspects: the rider, the motorcycle, and the route. After discussing the project with colleagues in different tech companies, we have identified key qualities to focus on:
- No sponsorship or content monetization – I will need to be completely authentic, I saw that projects which produced entertainment content fell into a trap of scripted dramatization and failed to portray the reality of electric motorcycles maturity (e.g., The Long Way up series)
- Completely solo – to convey the trust and confidence in the maturity of electric motorcycles, I needed to show that I have the trust myself and do not need any support even in remote areas of our planet
- Round-the-world route – there needed to be a compelling achievement and circumnavigation of the world is the ultimate achievement for any traveler or vehicle
Interested in more? Read Roman’s full story at